Call for Papers: “Currents, Perspectives, and Methodologies in World Christianity”


An International, Interdisciplinary Conference organized by
The World Christianity & History of Religions Program (Dept. of History & Ecumenics)
Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey. USA

January 18th (Thursday afternoon) – January 20th (Saturday afternoon) 2018. On-site registration will take place in the Princeton Theological Seminary library from 11am-1pm on January 18th. Our opening session, including a general welcome and keynote speech, will take place from 1-1:45pm.

Notifications about proposal acceptances will go out as scheduled on September 30, and additional information about accommodations will follow soon thereafter.

The last few decades mark a significant watershed in the study of World Christianity as an emerging field, its development into an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary endeavor in particular. Most scholarship now characterizes World Christianity as a ‘polycentric’ faith whose adherents have become more demographically robust in the majority world than in Europe and North America. Additionally, while the primary focus in World Christianity continues to be Christianity’s burgeoning presence in the global South (Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Pacific), scholars are increasingly aware of the diffusion of global South Christianities in a variety of South-South and South-North diasporas. Reflection on the complex history and reality of Christianity not only as a world religion but also as a pluricultural, global phenomenon is an on-going need. While research on Christianity’s cross-cultural, transnational, and diasporic manifestations has burgeoned, interrogation of theory and methodology, grounded in case study research, should be an on-going process as well. The conference seeks to inquire into the state of the field by providing a common interdisciplinary space for intellectual encounter and exchange.

Paper or Panel proposals should be submitted via email to:

Proposal Deadline: September 1, 2017.

Proposals should include: name, institutional affiliation and status, email address, contact phone, paper/panel title and abstract (±250 words). Notification of successful proposals will be made by September 30, 2017.

Conference Registration: early-bird registration begins on September 15 and ends on October 15. A late fee will be charged thereafter. Conference fees: (includes refreshments and conference dinner)

$120.00 – early bird / $150.00 – regular registration (US & Canada-based academics)

$80.00 – early bird / $95.00 – regular registration (other nationalities, graduate students/retirees)

Accommodations: Limited availability (single/double rooms) at Erdman Center on the Princeton campus. Other options for accommodation will be announced later.

Limited travel subsidies will be available for participants from the Global South with accepted paper/panel proposals.

Conveners: Afe Adogame, Raimundo Barreto, Richard F. Young

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