Christians and Muslims in Africa: Towards a Framework for the Study of Multi-Religious Settings


Christians and Muslims in Africa. Towards a Framework for the Study of Multi-Religious Settings

Summer School, ZMO, Berlin, 14-20 July 2016

Convened by Birgit Meyer (Utrecht University/ZMO), Abdoulaye Sounaye (ZMO), Marloes Janson (SOAS), Kai Kresse (Columbia University/ visiting fellow BGSMCS)

See the full Call for Applications

Persons interested to attend are required to send a letter of motivation, a cv, a writing sample (for instance a chapter of their dissertation or an article) and an abstract of the paper they intend to present. The deadline is 15 February 2016. Applicants will be notified by 1 March. Please send your application to Birgit Meyer (


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