CfP LUCAS “Creative Africas, Contemporary Africas”

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please find below the call for papers for an African Studies conference taking place at Leeds in April 2019, on the theme “Creative Africas, Contemporary Africas: Methodological and Conceptual Advances in African Studies”. Please do consider submitting paper or panel proposals, and distribute the CfP in your networks!

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University of Leeds

LUCAS Conference 2019

4 – 5 April 2019

Call for Papers

Building on its long history of a multidisciplinary and critical study of African societies, cultures and politics, the Leeds University Centre for African Studies invites proposals for panels and papers with cutting-edge empirical and theoretical research into Africa’s multiple realities, dynamics and meanings. We specifically welcome contributions that probe new methods and concepts from across the social sciences and humanities in order to advance our understanding of Africa as a place and an idea, and the state of African Studies as a field.

How to Apply

Either by submitting an individual proposal (200 words max.), or a proposal for a full panel of four papers (with a panel abstract of 200 words max., and abstracts of the individual papers of 200 words max.).

The deadline for proposals is Friday 30 November 2018

Submit Proposal

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